So sorry, hope I just didn't make things worse.

My husband thinks my blog makes him look bad. I was flabbergasted that he could think such a thing! It really was never my intention at all. He amuses me. Maybe I share too much. So in an effort to ease his hurt feelings and atone for my unfeeling actions, I'll see what I can do.

Reasons why I have the best husband ever:

1. He puts up with all my erratic moods. Every day it's my gift to him. He never knows just how I'll be feeling each morning when I wake up----happy, silly, or...ticked off for no apparent reason. See, he really is a saint.

2. He knows when not to say anything. Like when I had the roast in the crock pot cooking all day only to realize at 5pm that I'd forgotten to plug the darn thing in. Brian sat down at the table to a plate of potatoes, beans, bread, and apples. Never once did he mention the lack of a main dish. Even though it was very obvious, no matter how I tried to arrange the food on the plate.

3. He calls me everyday from work, on his way home from work, and when he's not at work. I like to think it's because he misses me:)

4. He thanks me every Tuesday for his clean towel in the bathroom.

5. He doesn't get mad when I use his toothbrush. He used to get confused when he would find his toothbrush wet before he even used it---until one day he caught me using it. I don't use his on purpose, sometimes I just get distracted and grab the wrong one.

6. He can keep the kids entertained with only a paperclip and a rubber band for an entire sacrament meeting. It's true. I've seen him do it.

7. He sings hymns using his "Yoda" voice. How cool is that.

8. He doesn't get mad if I eat all the chunks from the ice cream. Even though clearly, they are the best part.

9. He cleans the cat box. For this reason alone I am one lucky gal.

10. He stays up all night on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa because he's too excited to sleep.


Anonymous said...

Aw, gee, shucks, ma'am! I wuz born into it...


Sheila said...

Wow! This is so cool. I learned a little more about my brother!! Numbers 2 & 4 are my favorite!!

ldsjaneite said...

Aw. I like this post. You are a lucky woman.

Julie Ramsay said...

I'd like to hear him sing in his yoda voice!

Katydid said...

My husband likes to sing falsetto. I think I will request Yoda next time!