I'm turning into my mother. And it's not so bad.

Growing up there was always the counter in our kitchen. It was full of stacks of papers. Piles of stuff that my mom insisted we were not allowed to move or even touch. And then there were the lists. Hundreds of lists and reminders littered the countertop. I remember thinking that if I ever had to have a piece of paper to remind myself to take out the trash, hopefully someone would just shoot me and put me out of my misery.

If you walk into my kitchen you will see my counter. It is full of stacks of papers. There are piles of very important stuff that require my immediate attention. If it is not RIGHT THERE on the counter, I will forget about it and there will be trouble. Big trouble. Oh, and did I mention my lists? I have lists and reminders for everything. Mom, I think I owe you an apology. I judged you too harshly.

I went to a friends house the other day. I looked around her kitchen. It was strange, there were no piles or stacks of papers anywhere. Huh!?! "So, where's your stuff?" I asked casually, looking around. "Stuff?" she asked innocently, like she didn't know what I was talking about.

"You know, all your papers and junk," I probed, STILL LOOKING. "Oh, I have a junk drawer," she answered. Wait a minute. Did she just say drawer, as in singular? Holy cow! I practically need an entire house to put all the junk I have piled and stacked up and she fits it into a single drawer?

It's times like those that I wish I'd taken yoga and knew how to meditate and relax. I took several cleansing breaths and looked at my friend again. Well, if nothing else I knew I could take her in a fight. Not that it would ever come to that, mind you. Just for some reason it was comforting to know. Almost as comforting as my lists.


Julie Ramsay said...

I have to write a note to myself to take out the garbage...it is that bad! I have the junk pile in every room and I'm just like my mother too...and a little like dad.

mindy said...

Which is such a relief Jules because 1. i'm not the only one and 2. I could never beat you in a fight. If I remember correctly you are a bitter. It's better this way---we keep our piles and everyone is happy.

AM said...

Who was the friend????????????????

Stefanie said...

I hear ya! I have a basket AND a junk drawer to hold all my'stuff', but the island in the kitchen still gets piled up....

Jenny Dahlke said...

I have piles....but the absolutely, have to be done now!!! stuff is stuck to my fridge. I must have a lot of urgent requests, because there are times we have to pull out the map and compass just to find the fridge under all the chaos. Good thing I house full of boy scouts;)